Pig Ear Salmonella Outbreak: An Escalating Issue
Since the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) last report (July 3, 2019), another some 82 people have fallen ill with Salmonella poisoning linked to pig ear dog treats. This brings the running count to 127 people who have fallen ill from 33 states with 26 hospitalizations, not to mention pet illnesses as well. The recorded states affected by the Salmonella outbreak are as follows: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin. There have been no deaths recorded yet due to this outbreak. The CDC has been unable to link the Salmonella outbreak to any specific supplier or location but the investigation is currently ongoing and any new information will be posted to the CDC.
Two companies, Pet Supplies Plus and Lennox Group have publicly recalled their pig ear treats and warn customers against their purchase or use along with government food safety officials. If you have purchased pig ears you are strongly advised to discard them in a secure container immediately, regardless of the date on which they were purchased. The CDC warns that human handling and dog consumption of these dog treats can further spread the salmonella outbreak. Steve Solomon, the FDA’s director of Veterinary Medicine
stated, “We believe the most effective way to protect public health at this time is to warn consumers to avoid purchasing or feeding their pets all pig ear treats and for retailers not to sell these products”. He reminds people “who may have come into contact with potentially contaminated products to practice safe hygiene, including thoroughly washing hands and disinfecting any surfaces that have touched pig ear pet treats.”
As the concern to end this dangerous Salmonella outbreak continues, it is important to follow the directions of the CDC and FDA to prevent its spread. If you or someone you know has come in contact with pig ear dog treats, be referred to the publications of the FDA on the Salmonella outbreak which includes prevention measures, symptom identification, and other pertinent information here.