At least five persons admitted to Via Christi-St. Francis Hospital in Kansas, three of whom have since died. The first case dates back to December 2013, with the latest case identified in January of 2015. These patients are believed to have consumed Blue Bell Creameries ice cream manufactures in Brenham, Texas. Blue Bell Creameries has removed from the market the following ice cream products:
• Chocolate Chip Country Cookie
• Great Divide Bar
• Sour Pop Green Apple Bar
• Cotton Candy Bar
• Scoops
• Vanilla Stick Slices
• Almond Bar
• No Sugar Added Mooo Bar (regular Mooo Bars are not included)
These products were all produced on an assembly line that was found to be contaminated by the Texas Department of State Health Services following notification of positive Listeria tests by South Carolina inspectors.
National Listeria Lawyer Ron Simon, who represents victims in this outbreak, had this to say: “The company has removed all the product it believes was infected with one of these strains of Listeria. But the greater question, how it allowed the premises of its Brenham facility to become infested over the course of many months, needs to be addressed. Proper food manufacturing and food handling procedures exist to prevent this type of outbreak, and clearly these processes were not followed adequately in this instant.”
If you need to speak to a Blue Bell Listeria Lawyer, call 1-888-335-4901 or 713-306-3880.