An E. coli outbreak that sickened at least eight children has been linked to a Marshall, Minnesota in-home daycare establishment. In addition, a Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) spokesman said the Department’s investigation is ongoing.
MDH spokesman Doug Schultz answered questions Thursday to clarify the situation. MDH received a report of E. coli at the daycare facility earlier, on July 27th. While the report came in late last month, MDH believes the infections happened in mid-July.
Eight Children from Daycare Ill: Two Hospitalized, One with Serious Complications
Schultz said eight children tested positive for E. coli infections. Moreover, two children required hospitalization due to the severe nature of their illness. At least one of the two children developed more serious complications. Specifically, one child developed Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).
Furthermore, Schultz characterized HUS as “a serious complication of E. coli” that damages red blood cells and kidneys. Ultimately, if untreated, the condition results in complete kidney failure and death. The potential exists for the same result even if the victim receives treatment.
Despite the fact that E. coli infected eight children, Schultz could not release the name of the center. “Basically, all (parents) who” have children at the daycare” received updates about the situation.
Daycare Continues to Operate; Tests Required Prior to Return of Sick Children
Notwithstanding the E. coli outbreak, the facility continues to operate and the state will not shut it down. Since the operators of the daycare did not fall ill, Schultz said, the business did not close. In other words, only when the owners fall ill will the state require the business to close.
Additionally, kids who fell ill have to test negative for the bacteria before they can return. Specifically, to prevent further spread of the illness, children cannot return until they pass two normal stools.
“We require the kids to have stool samples taken and be tested,” said Schultz. “It’s a pretty intensive test.”
If you or a family member became ill have been diagnosed with E. coli and you would like to explore pursuing a legal claim, contact an attorney at Ron Simon & Associates for a free case evaluation.