Nation’s First Red Onion Salmonella Lawsuit Filed by Ron Simon & Associates Against Thomson International – Now Over 60 Utah Residents Infected with Salmonella from Red Onion Outbreak
While Oregon has had the most cases of Salmonella from Thomson International’s contaminated red onions with 71 cases, Utah follows closely behind with 61 reported cases. The FDA recently released the brand names the onions were sold under, including “Utah Onions”. The other brand names include Thomson Premium, TLC Thomson International, Tender Loving Care, El Competitor, Hartley’s Best, Onions 52, Majestic, Imperial Fresh, Kroger, and Food Lion. All onions were sold to wholesalers, restaurants, and grocery stores in mesh bags or in cartons. Utah residents are advised to dispose of any “Utah Onions” currently in their possession, as well as any onions that do not have clear brand labels. Surfaces that have come in contact with the onions should be thoroughly sanitized to avoid Salmonella poisoning. The contaminated onions should not be ingested and should be avoided at restaurants until future notice.
Thomson International initiated a voluntary recall of red, yellow, and sweet onions, as well as any products containing onions, on July 31, 2020. Salmonellosis, the infection caused by Salmonella bacteria, symptoms begin 6 hours to 6 days after ingestion, and the infection lasts between 4 to 7 days. Officials advise locals to contact their physician if they have experienced food poisoning symptoms, such as diarrhea, after eating red onions. Although antibiotics are typically not necessary for Salmonella infections, epidemiologists are working to trace all cases of Salmonella linked to the red onion outbreak.
Ron Simon and Associates began preparing the first red onion Salmonella lawsuit several weeks ago, before the FDA declared the cause of the outbreak as Thomson International red onions. They filed that Red Onion lawsuit today in Riverside County in California. This marks the first red onion salmonella lawsuit filed in the nation.